Adjusting a delivery date

Brown & Sons plc
88 Doncaster Road
Dear Sirs,
We refer to your order no. 875 for 1 000 metric tons of steel bars.
Owing to problems at the port, we will not be able to meet the agreed delivery date of 1 December.
We are doing everything possible to ship your order but the contracted date has now become unrealistic.
We believe, however, that we will be able to meet a 1 January 1997 delivery deadline.
We apologize for the inconvenience, b'ut the delay is due to circumstances beyond our control.
Yours faithfully,

Useful phrases
Line 2
Owing to . . . we will not be able to meet the agreed delivery date of. . .
Line 4
We are doing everything possible to ship your order but the contracted date has now become unrealistic.
Line 8
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the delay is due to circumstances beyond our control.

Para. 1
Identify the reference.
Para. 2
State the problem and the reason for it.
Para. 3
Describe the current situation.
Para. 4
Give the likely delivery date.
Para. 5
Offer your apologies.
The letter frankly states why a delivery date cannot be met. The vendor assures the customer that everything possible has been done to ship the goods and gives a realistic delivery date.
Alternative phrases
Line 1   With reference to . . .
Line 2   ... but we cannot meet the agreed delivery date.
Line 4   We are doing our utmost to . . .
Line 8   ... the delay is not our fault.

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