Rejecting a request for early shipment

Mr. E Evans
Bradford Woolens pic
6 Haig Road
Dear Mr. Evans,
Thank you for your letter .of 19 January requesting earlier delivery of goods under your purchase contract no. 954.
We have contacted the shipping company and regret to tell you that we are unable to comply with your request. We have been informed that there is no available space on ships sailing from ' here to your port before 5 April.
We are very sorry that we are unable to advance shipment. We will, however, do everything possible to ensure that the goods are shipped within the contracted time.
Yours sincerely,

Useful phrases
Line 3
We have contacted . . . and regret to tell you that we are unable to comply with your request.
Line 6
We will, however, do everything possible to ensure that the goods are shipped within the contracted time.

Para. 1
Identify the reference.
Para. 2
Politely reject the request and give the reason for doing so.
Para. 3
Apologize for not being able to comply with the request and assure the customer that the contracted delivery date will be met.
This letter politely rejects a request for early shipment and gives the reason for doing so. It stresses that the supplier would have complied with the request had it been possible.
Alternative phrases
Line 1   We refer to your letter of. . .
Line 3   We have been in touch with the shipping company . . .
Line 3   ... that we cannot comply...
Line 4   ... there is no cargo space free on ships . . .
Line 6   ... that we cannot bring shipment forward.

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