Welcoming a distributor

Mr. Pierre Leclerc
8 Rue de Nantes
Dear Mr. Leclerc,
I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our team, I know that you will be equally proud of our products.
Our European Sales Representative, Antoine Gerin, will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service, please call me.
I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meeting you. In the meantime, the best of luck with our product line.
Yours sincerely,

Useful phrases
Line 1
We are very pleased to have you on our team.
Line 4
Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem.
Line 7
The best of luck with our product line.
Para. 1
Welcome the distributor.
Para. 2
Give the names of people to contact regarding problems.
Para. 3
Add any further information and wish the distributor luck.
This is a friendly letter welcoming a distributor. It contains sufficient information at this stage.
Alternative phrases
Line 1 Welcome to...
Line 1 We are delighted to have you working with us.
Line 3 ... in regular contact with you.
Line 6 I shall be visiting . . .

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