Adjusting a claim but attempting to sale more products

Hypermarche Cluny
Route de Lyon
St Etienne
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your telex of 7 March telling us about the mistake in our shipment to you last week. We send our sincere apologies.
I have checked with our shipping department. You were billed for five dozen electric kettles. The problem arose when our shipping department mislabeled your cartons and your shipment went to another retailer.
The five dozen electric kettles you ordered are being shipped to you today. As far as the shipment of blenders we sent to you in error is concerned, you can return them to us and we will pay the shipping charge.
You may, however, wish to keep the blenders as well. They are a very popular item this year. I am sending you some display models under separate cover, which you can use in your store.
Why not keep the blenders to see how they sell? I will arrange with our accounts department to delay billing, to give you plenty of time to settle both payments. Please let me know what you decide.
Yours faithfully,

Useful phrases
Line 1
Thank you for your ... telling us about the mistake in our shipment to you.
Line 4
The problem arose when . .
Line 9
You may, however, wish to keep the ... as well. They are a very popular item this year.
Line 12
I will arrange with our accounts department to delay billing, to give you plenty of time to settle both payments.

Para. 1
Identify the claim and apologize for the mistake.
Para. 2
Explain what happened.
Para. 3
Say what action you are taking.
Para. 4
Try to sell additional products.
Para. 5
Offer a concession to persuade the purchaser to accept your proposal.
The letter accepts the claim and states the steps taken to remedy the mistake. If the goods are returned, there will be a loss on shipping. The company therefore tries to persuade the purchaser to keep the consignment of incorrectly shipped goods.
Alternative phrases
Line 1 I refer to . . .
Line 2 Please accept our sincere apologies.
Line 3 We billed you for . . .
Line 4 ... wrongly labeled your . . .
Line 6 We are shipping the five dozen electric kettles you ordered...
Line 12 Would you like to keep . . . ?

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