Making a claim for poor packing

Singh Brothers Ltd 66
Jalan Arnap Johore
Dear Sirs,
We refer to our order no. 848 for 500 dozen silk blouses.
The goods were shipped per SS Blue Seas. On examination, the cartons were found to be in a damaged condition. Consequently, we feel that we must make a claim against you.
Of the 100 cartons, 40 had burst open due to poor packing. The rest were in a damaged condition.
We have now repacked the whole consignment in new cartons for delivery to our customers. The expense involved amounted to GB£115.
In view of the tight profit margin on this consignment, we must insist that you compensate us for the repacking.
You will be aware that customers are likely to get a false impression of the quality of goods that are poorly packed. We suggest that, in future, you make sure that the goods are properly packed.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Useful phrases
Line 3
Consequently, we feel that we must make a claim against you.
Line 8
The expense involved amounted to . . .
Line 9
In view of the tight profit margin . . ., we must insist that you compensate us for the repacking.
Line 12
We suggest that, in future, you make sure that the goods are properly packed.
Para. 1
Identify the reference.
Para. 2
Make the complaint and state what action you require.
Para. 3
Give details of the complaint.
Para. 4
State what action you have had to take and the cost involved.
Para. 5
Ask for compensation.
Para. 6-7
State your future requirements. Urge a reply.

The letter clearly sets out the claim and the reasons for it. The tone of the letter is firm but polite. The supplier is left in no doubt that compensation is expected.

Alternative phrases
Line 2 You shipped the goods on . . .
Line 2 When we examined the consignment, we found that the cartons were damaged.
Line 3 As a result, we feel that....
Line 5 ... because of poor packing.
Line 5 The rest were damaged.
Line 8 The cost was ...
Line 9 Because of the tight profit margin . . .
Line 9 ... we must ask for compensation for . . .
Line 12 In future, would you please ensure that. . .

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