Answering a request for information

Ms Maria Chavez
Department of Energy University of Mexico
Dear Ms. Chavez,
Thank you for your interest in The Alternative Energy Association. I enclose an informational leaflet which explains the aims of our association.
Our quarterly journal, Alternative Energy, contains research papers from energy experts all over the world. It is becoming a major factor in the fight to persuade governments to undertake non-polluting projects in electricity generation.
Our work is financed by membership subscriptions from government departments, companies and individuals in 45 countries.
If you wish to help us in this vital work, please fill in the form attached to the enclosed leaflet.
An annual subscription of US$90 brings full membership, all issues of our journal and any other occasional papers that we publish.
If you require any further information, please let us know. Keep in touch and let us know about your own work.
Yours sincerely,

Useful phrases
Line 1
Thank you for your interest in . . .
Line 1
I enclose an informational leaflet which explains the aims of our association.
Line 4
It is becoming a major factor in . . .
Line 6
Our work is financed by
Line 8
If you wish to help us in this vital work, please . . .
Line 12
Keep in touch and let us know about your own work.
Para. 1
Acknowledge the inquiry and refer to the enclosure.
Para. 2
Mention the journal.
Para. 3
Say how the association is financed.
Para. 4
Invite the correspondent to apply for membership.
Para. 5
State the cost and direct benefits.
Para. 6
End with a friendly message.

The letter briefly provides the correspondent who made the inquiry with basic information about the association and invites her to join. The enclosures will provide all the detailed information needed.

Alternative Phrases
Line 1 ... your inquiry about. . .
Line 4 ... a major focus on . . .
Line 5 ... to undertake environmentally-friendly
Line 6 We finance our work with . . .
Line 8 ... this important work ...
Line 12 If we can offer any further assistance . . .

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